UNITI Kick-Off in Athens
With our project officially having started on January 1, 2020, we were already very much looking forward to our UNITI Kick-Off-Meeting, which has now taken place from January 15 - 17, 2020 upon invitation of our Greek consortium partners, the Institute of Computer Science and Communication (ICCS) of the National Technological University of Athens (NTUA).
It was an intensive time of meetings with fruitful discussions and exchange, during which important decisions have been reached, but as well of getting together and celebrating the start of our common research endeavours towards a "Unification of Treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus Patients", the long form of our project acronym UNITI!
We would like to thank all organisers of this crucial event very much for their most valuable contribution and already looking forward to our next meetings and towards moving UNITI further!