UNITI results 20231201

UNITI results

UNITI project finished in September 2023. It’s overall aim was to deliver a predictive computational model based on existing and longitudinal data attempting to address the question which treatment approach is optimal for a specific patient based on specific parameters. Clinical, epidemiological, medical, genetic and audiological data, including signals reflecting ear-brain communication, were analysed from existing databases. Predictive factors for different patient groups were extracted and their prognostic relevance were tested in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in which different groups of patients underwent a combination of therapies targeting the auditory and central nervous systems.

Click here to learn more about the UNITI results.



uniti press 500pxWe are delighted to say that the announcement of European Union funding for UNITI under the Horizon 2020 Framework (Grant Agreement no. 848261) has already attracted some media attention throughout Europe!

In Germany, the location of our coordinating institution, the University Hospital of Regensburg, several news media have reported on our project, among them the Bayerischer Rundfunk (Munich), the Mittelbayerische Zeitung (Regensburg), and the University of Regensburg!

The corresponding articles (in German) can be found below:

Bayerischer RundfunkMittelbayerische ZeitungUniversität RegensburgNeue Zürcher Zeitung

We are looking forward to more reports and feedback as UNITI progresses and will be sharing all of them on this website and on our social media platforms!

Bayerischer Rundfunk:

Mittelbayerische Zeitung:

Universität Regensburg:


Furthermore, the renowned Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung also reported on UNITI, and the article (in German) can be accessed by again clicking on the below image:


We are looking forward to more reports and feedback as UNITI progresses and will be sharing all of them on this website and on our social media platforms!

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Key Facts

Data and analysis scripts of the UNITI-RCT results are currently available upon request (stefan.schoisswohl@klinik.uni-regensburg.de).

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