Scientific Coordinator
PD Dr. Winfried Schlee, University Regensburg, Germany
Dr. Stefan Schoisswohl, University Regensburg, Germany
Project Network Manager
Susanne Staudinger, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany
Dissemination Manager
Ilias Trochidis, ViLabs, Cyprus
Working Groups
WP1 Ethics
leader: Winfried Schlee, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Regensburg, DE
WP2 Project Management
leader: Winfried Schlee, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Regensburg, DE
WP3 Analysis of Existing Data
leader: Myra Spiliopoulou, Institute for Technical and Operational Information Systems ITI, University Magdeburg, DE
WP4 Harmonization of Technical Solutions
leader: Ruediger Pryss, Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry, University Hospital Wuerzburg, DE
WP5 Intelligent Data Analysis
leader: Eleftheria Vellidou, Institute of Communications and Computer Systems ICCS, National Technical University of Athens, GR
WP6 Genetics
leader: Antonio Lopez-Escamez, Centre for Genomics and Oncology Genyo, Granada, ES
WP7 Randomized Clinical Trial
leader: Berthold Langguth, co-leader: Stefan Schoisswohl, Psychiatry, Center of Neuromodulation, University and University Hospital Regensburg, DE
WP8 Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation
leader: Ilias Trochidis, VILabs, CY
Experts for / Coordination of
Randomized Clinical Trial: Stefan Schoisswohl, Regensburg DE
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Martin Schecklmann, Regensburg DE, Rilana Cima, Leuven BE
Hearing Aid Fitting: Steven Macrum, Regensburg DE, Dimitris Kikidis, Athens GR
Auditory/Sound Stimulation: Patrick Neff, Regensburg DE
Counseling/Psychoeducation: Winfried Schlee, Regensburg DE
Statistical Analysis Team: Jorge Simoes, Regensburg, DE