UNITI results 20231201

UNITI results

UNITI project finished in September 2023. It’s overall aim was to deliver a predictive computational model based on existing and longitudinal data attempting to address the question which treatment approach is optimal for a specific patient based on specific parameters. Clinical, epidemiological, medical, genetic and audiological data, including signals reflecting ear-brain communication, were analysed from existing databases. Predictive factors for different patient groups were extracted and their prognostic relevance were tested in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in which different groups of patients underwent a combination of therapies targeting the auditory and central nervous systems.

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CCM Althoffhaus 01 500pxProf. Dr. Birgit Mazurek.smile 500pxa

One of the main objectives of UNITI is to conduct a large-scale multicentre Randomised Clinical Trial (RCT) with a combination of interventions. Five clinical centres (partners of the UNITI consortium) will have a target of recruiting 100 patients each over a period of 9 months. 

One of the UNITI’s clinical centre is Charité. As one of the largest university hospitals in Europe, all of Charité’s clinical care, research and teaching is delivered by physicians and researchers of the highest international standard. Charité proudly lays claim to more than half of all German Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine, including Emil von Behring, Robert Koch and Paul Ehrlich.

Charité is internationally renowned for its excellence in teaching and training. Charité –Universitätsmedizin Berlin represents a single medical faculty, which serves both Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin. It extends over four campuses, and has close to 100 different Departments and Institutes, which make up a total of 17 different CharitéCenters. Having marked its 300-year anniversary in 2010, Charité is now one of the largest employers in Berlin, employing 13,760 staff (or 17,500 if including its subsidiaries), with a total annual turnover of € 1.6 billion. The Tinnitus Center of Charité was founded in 2001 and effectively provides help for tinnitus patients as part of an individualized therapeutic approach. It is an internationally acknowledged medical center specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus. Significantly, Tinnitus Centre Charité adopted cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) means and conducted several clinical trials to demonstrate the effectiveness of this type of treatment in clinical settings.

Left figure: Copyright Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Right figure: Mrs. Prof. Mazurek, Director of Tinnitus Center, Charité

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Data and analysis scripts of the UNITI-RCT results are currently available upon request (stefan.schoisswohl@klinik.uni-regensburg.de).

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